And I’m passionate about supporting them to get the job done

Last week I had the pleasure of teaching seventh graders for three days in a row at two different campuses. For this curriculum coordinator, it meant sore feet and a more-tired-than-usual body, but my soul felt re-energized! I got to interact and teach some great kids. And hey, it’s nice to know you still have it.
But what really energized me was getting to work alongside some amazing teachers. So let me clarify – I work with these teachers all the time. I train them, coach them, advise them. But for those three days, I got to work alongside them. We were all in the same boat, attempting to hone seventh grade writing skills. I couldn’t help but get caught up by their passion and work ethic. And I was so glad that I could help them realize their visions. And I am so glad I get to support great teachers who are, and will always be, the heart and soul of education.
I’ve been working with teachers as a coordinator for five years. I wear a lot of hats in that job, but my favorite parts by far are those that deal with professional learning – be it a training session, a PLC, or a one-on-one instructional coaching session. I wasn’t in the job long before I felt like I had really found a passion – helping and supporting teachers.

But I knew I enjoyed supporting other teachers all the way back to my third year teaching when I was tasked with mentoring a new teacher. She was the first of three I would mentor in my time in the classroom. And then there was the pre-service teacher I supported as a cooperating teacher. I enjoyed learning about how to better help a teacher new to the profession. And I’ve enjoyed watching them grow. When they succeed, I am so excited and proud of them!
When I get to work with my awesome teachers, I am reminded that I am, and will always be, a teacher at heart. And I am humbled that I get to support and advise and coach these incredible professionals. They deserve all the support, respect, and professional learning I can give them.
Last week was a reminder of why I do what I do – I’m helping those with the most important job do their job to the very best of their ability, so our students can do their best. You can’t beat that.